Letters policies
Massachusetts newspapers

Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield)

Because of high letter volume, The Eagle cannot run every letter it receives. Letters to the editor must be addressed to the general public, not to specific individuals. Writers are not allowed to respond to letters critical of their letters. The Eagle reserves the right to edit all letters for length, style and content. The Berkshire Eagle does not print letters soliciting funds.

Boston Globe

Please include your full name, address, and a telephone number for confirmation purposes. Letters should be 200 words or less and are subject to condensation.

Boston Herald

Letters must include the name of the writer, address and a telephone number if the letter is to be published. And it is always up to the Editorial Editor to decide if the letter will be printed.

Boston Metro

75-100 words

Boston Phoenix

Published weekly on Thursdays.
  • E-mail to letters@phx.com or to staff writers
  • FAX to 617-859-8201
  • or mail to:
        Boston Phoenix
        126 Brookline Avenue
        Boston, MA 02215
Letters should be typed (double-spaced), if possible, and must include the writer's name, address, and a telephone number where he or she can be reached during business hours for verification. The writer's name and position or town will be published, but these may be withheld for good reason. E-mailed letters must include a telephone number for verification and a hometown). All letters are subject to editing for considerations of space, fairness, and clarity.

Daily Hampshire Gazette

  • E-mail to opinion@gazettenet.com
  • or mail to:
        Letters, Daily Hampshire Gazette
        115 Conz Street
        Northampton MA 01060
All letters must be signed, with a return address and a phone number where we can reach you between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. to confirm authorship. Addresses and phone numbers are not published. Please put "Letter to the Gazette" in the subject line of e-mail. Letters should not exceed 300 words. They should be of general interest and in good taste and meet legal standards.

We solicit guest columns from local people with extensive knowlege of a timely topic.. The writing must be clear and interesting to the general reader. The standard guest column length is between 600 and 800 words.

Guest columns should stand alone. They are not intended as a direct response to an article or commentary. Priority is given to local writers discussing local topics. We welcome letters suggesting topics for a guest column. If the subject is timely, we will be happy to discuss details with you.

The Gazette does not pay for guest columns. Guest column authors are identified by name and by background inormation or affiliation bearing on the subject of the column.

Lowell Sun

The Pilot

  • E-mail to letters@bostonpilot.org
  • or mail to:
        The Pilot
        2121 Commonwealth Avenue
        Brighton, MA 02135-3193

The Editors reserve the right to reject, omit, or edit any editorial or advertising copy submitted for publication.

The Republican (Springfield)

Letters to the editor must include the writer's name, address and telephone number in order to be considered for publication. Letters should be brief. They may be edited, condensed and published in any medium. All submissions become the property of the Republican Company and will not be returned or acknowledged.

Sentinel & Enterprise (Fitchburg)

Standard-Times (New Bedford)

  • E-mail to letters@s-t.com
  • or mail to:
        Letters to the Editor
        The Standard-Times
        25 Elm Street
        New Bedford, MA 02740

Worcester Telegram & Gazette

  • FAX to 508-793-9313
  • or mail to:
        PO Box 15012
        Worcester, MA 01615-0012

Letters must be no longer than 250 words. Letters that exceed this maximum will be returned to the writer to shorten.

We do not publish second-hand material as letters: reprints and quotations, letters written for other publications, addressed to other people or "open letters." We do not print letters that have appeared in other newspapers. In most cases, we do not publish letters from outside our circulation area.

We do not publish letters considered too personal to be of general public interest. That also includes routine thank-you notes to individuals or organizations.

We do not publish letters written in verse or essay form.

At times, when we believe a given topic has been exhausted, we call a halt to further comments.

We do not publish letters that we believe come under libel laws. Material can be libelous if it holds a private person or organization up to hatred, contempt, suspicion of wrongdoing, scorn or ridicule. We review letters about active court cases carefully.

We do not publish hate mail or letters that are obviously offensive to good taste.

We do not publish letters that are unsigned, unverifiable or unintelligible.

Political endorsements and letters concerning federal, state and municipal elections and votes have specific deadlines announced in advance.

Letters must be signed with the writer's full name. Initials and nicknames are not acceptable. Writers must include a complete home address and a handwritten signature, plus a daytime telephone number for verification purposes.

We limit an individual to one published letter in two months.

Susan Mulrooney: Letters to the Editor, (508) 793-9152

Additional Massachusetts newspapers